2025 Pitch Prices and information
Seabreeze Campsite prices are inclusive; there are no extra charges for use of the showers, using the freezer for ice packs, charging your phones or for your pets.
Pitch prices are £28.00 based on 1-4 people per pitch/night. Extra persons staying on your pitch will be charged at £5.00 per person/night.
Pricing is based on one unit and one vehicle per pitch only (ie. a vehicle and 1 tent or 1 caravan etc). A single pup tent may also be allowed, but must discussed on arrival and be erected within the booked pitch with consideration of proximity to other tents, gazebos, caravans cars etc to reduce the risk of fire spreading in the case of an emergency.
A second vehicle: Due to the intimate nature of the site we can only allow a maximum of 2 cars per pitch, especially in peak season. A second vehicle will be charged at £4.00 per night.
Day guests are welcome on site, but please make us aware of when they are due, and ask if this is going to be possible, so we can check if we can accommodate them and their vehicle. Our priority is to campers that are staying on site, and also leaving space for all to move around and for children to play. Please note: If we are able to accommodate your visitors there will be a charge of £5.00 per car, payable on the day. If we can’t accommodate then there is parking on the car park located on the Marrams
North Norfolk District Council also requires us to keep a register of all our visitors. You will be asked to provide this information on arrival.
Making your booking:
To make a booking enquiry please contact Andy and Louise by email: designjolts@gmail.com
Or call either 07785295679 or 07785291745. Please leave a message and contact no if we can’t answer and we will get right back to you.
It is advisable to book especially if your intended stay is during peak holiday periods. A minimum stay may apply, please ask when booking.
Once we have confirmed that your booking request is available, a non-refundable deposit is required to confirm your booking. This will be calculated as 40% deposit of the total cost per pitch for your stay. This may be collected at the time of booking, or be requested along with your full payment depending on timing a circumstance. Your initial booking fee will be calculated on £28.00 based on 1-4 people per pitch/night. Any additional fees will be calculated and payable on arrival.
Please note: Any booking cancelled within 14 days of the arrival date will be subject to a payment of 75% of the total stay. Any booking cancelled 48 hrs prior to arrival date will be subject to full payment of the whole intended stay.
Usually a minimum deposit of £25.00 applies to all bookings.
Please also note that confirmation of your booking is made by us in good faith, and potentially blocks others wishing to stay at Seabreeze Campsite. With this in mind, please understand and be aware that we only give refunds in exceptional circumstances, and we cannot be blamed for the weather!