Keeping it local — Local attractions…

Eco Burrito 0.3 miles — Run by friends of the site, fresh food cooked to order… sometimes music on a Sunday

Driftwood 5.3 miles — Driftwood reclaim — Antiques, reclaim and curios

The Lifeboat Tavern 0.7 miles — The local pub in the village

Beach Rock Bistro 0.7 miles — Bistro in the village

The Mermaids Catch 0.7 miles — Fish and chips in the village

Sandy Hills Cafe and Arcade 0.7 miles — Amusement arcade, Trampolines and Cafe in the village

Causeway Farm Butchers 0.7 miles — Local Butcher

The Star at Lessingham 2.4 miles — A local pub the other way!

The Kingfisher Cafe, 7.0 miles — A local cafe the other way in Walcott!